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Subject: Re: emacs and .Xdefaults
References: <199711301618.KAA13003@helius.host4u.net> <[🔎] qjlny0xe84.fsf@pc1.mcs.le.ac.uk>
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From: Sten Anderson <sten@bergsoe.k-net.dk>
Date: 05 Dec 1997 12:17:43 +0100
In-Reply-To: Gilbert Laycock's message of 05 Dec 1997 10:43:07 +0000
Message-ID: <87wwhk6nu0.fsf@stonehenge.bergsoe.k-net.dk>
Lines: 55
X-Mailer: Gnus v5.4.52/XEmacs 20.2

Gilbert Laycock <gtl1@mcs.le.ac.uk> writes:

> >>>>> "Kirk" == Kirk Hilliard <kirk@ghoti.com> writes:
> Kirk> I just made a new installation of bo, and emacs no longer seems to
> Kirk> read my ~/.Xdefaults file like it used to in rex.
> Shouldn't it be called ~/.Xresources ?


> Personally I have the two filenames symbolic linked together, because
> some X installations I use seem to like one and some like the other. 
> Debian seems to only use .Xresources.

Debians preferences can be revealed by reading the file

Here are the relevant parts:




if [ -f $sysresources ]
  xrdb -merge $sysresources


if grep -q ^allow-user-resources /etc/X11/config
  if [ -f $usrresources ]
    xrdb -merge $usrresources


> I have seen some installations of X that distinguish between the two
> names, along the lines of ~/.Xdefaults will completely override the
> system wide xrdb settings whereas ~/.Xresources will be merged with
> the system ones. (Or was it the other way around?)

This doesn't apply to Debian

- Sten Anderson

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