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Re: undeletable file

On Wed, Dec 03, 1997 at 04:45:39PM +0000, G. Kapetanios wrote:
> I had an examople of such behaviour a while back. It occured for some
> files in a  mounted dos filesystem. If it is not a ext2 filesystem could
> you be mounting it read only ? (come to think of it maybe it is ext2 and
> mounted read only as well ) Just a thought 

I forgot to mention, the undeletable file is on an ext2 filesystem
(in /usr/X11R6/bin).


  Ken Lauffenburger          / /                    __  __
  ken@efficient.com         / /  D e b i a n  G N U \ \/ /
                           / /     __  ____   __  __ \  /
                          / /     / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
  ...Look out Bill,      / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
     here comes...      (______)(_/ (_/ (_/ \____/ (_/  \_)

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