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Debian linux installation

I'm trying to find out the location of the archive (ftp site) for
debian. all the addresses in the digested announcements are relative
directory entrys like hamm/hamm/non-free/??? 

the other thing we need to know is, we are starting with a new machine
specifically ordered with NO OS on its harddrive. it has a 4.3gig eide
hd as /dev/hda and an ide cdrom as /dev/hdb (we have the lsl.com 2
disk debian 1.3.1 cdroms). it has a 16bit scsi2 card and external
syquest ez135 (135mb disks) and a 3.5 1.44mb floppy. 

we need to know what has to be gotten from the ftp site that is not on
the 1.3.1 distribution disks. it appears most things are in the
'unstable' hamm tree and we are wondering if the unstable is stable
enough to use for a server system? we will be runing kernel 2.0.32+
without modules, (unless we HAVE to do modules... the last we tried
was for ftape.o support (slackware) and that was unuseable so we got
the removable diskdrive and BRU for backups instead and and gave up
trying to convince the kernel its modules and main aprt were the same
levels. we have not drivers that require modules except perhaps a
plug-and-pray pci ne2000 10base2 clone card ... I'm hoping it has
either jumpers or the bios can assign an irq to the slot its in. 

incase we decide to go with the unstable, can the whole thing be
installed without 1st installing the bo/stable setup?


for the non-free can I ftp the subdirectory and put it on a 
ez135 cartrige then mount the ez135 cart where the directory would go 
if it was being all downloaded (that is, is the non-free subdirectory 
on the cdrom as a mount-point)?


is it ok to install the BRU diskettes with thier tools?
is there a way to tell debians package manager about it?

					Sys Admin, ASARian.org

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