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libproc.so problems

  To begin, I'm a newbie to Linux and this is not the first time I've
inquired about this problem.
  Simply put, from the time I installed Debian I got the following message;

'ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libproc.so (no such file or
directory), skipping'

  The file is there but whenever I do an 'ldconfig' I get a 'can't open, no
such file or directory'. Whenever I try to 'ldconfig' on another library
file I get the same message even though I'm not doing 'ldconfig' on
  I'm at a loss as to what this is all about. I've exhausted all other
resources. Everything else seems to be okay, as far as one so new to this
can determine.
  Could I get some input on this, please?

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