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Re: how do I kill samba?

Paul Miller <paul@3dillusion.com> wrote:

: how do I kill samba when it is loaded from inetd? .. smbd doesn't even
: appear on ps -aux unless a service is being used.

As a couple of Debian fellows already said, if ps -ax does not show
any nmbd or smbd processes then Samba is not running. However, since
it is running from inetd, traffic in UDP ports 137-139 is being
listened to (by inetd) and any traffic in these ports will trigger
nmbd or smbd (depending on the port).

If there are any process running, you can kill them as usual with
kill. However, my experience tells me that as soon as you kill nmbd
another nmbd process will be initiated by inetd because traffic will
trigger that. So, you will always have a nmbd running, unless you
unplug your Samba server from the network or shutdown all machines
(other Samba servers or any Windows box) that broadcast NetBIOS stuff.

If you don't want to have any nmbd or smbd processes at all, disable
the corresponding lines in /etc/inetd.conf and kill -HUP the inetd

New releases of the Samba package (that I started to maintain) will
have as an option to run Samba from inetd or as daemons. When run as
daemons it is easier to shut down Samba, just do "/etc/init.d/samba

See ya!



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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