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Re: mtools

>  > You can pipe the file through "tr -d '\r'". Ignore the other message
>  > about mcopy. This is restrictive since it *assumes* that the file
>  > is on a floppy disk (or other FAT volume).
>   A much bigger problem of mtools is that when copying *to* an MS-DOS
> file system, it writes long filename entries to the directory.
> Apparently it assumes that everyone using DOS filesystems is using
> Windows '95.  This is not just the default; you can't turn it off (at
> least, I found no way to do so - if anyone knows how please let me
> know).

 It does that only when the file is not acceptable to normal FAT. So if you
don't like the so called `VFAT' don't use those names, that would fail in
normal FAT anyway.
 Still, if you aren't happy you can wrap mcopy into a script that check its
arguments to be traditional 8.3 filenames.

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