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Re: (off topic)Re: crypting a whole filesystem or directory?

> It can be done much easier, just put the linux boot disk (from any
> distribution) into the floppy, reboot the system, then mount
> the hard disk from the root's shell and the whole HD is yours without
> using any other OS !!!
> Unless your server is "physically secured" (closed in the safe, all
> floppies removed and case sealed...), the cryptographic file system
> is the only way to keep your data safe. But it slows down your computer...
how much?  Is it noticable?  I suppose with tasks such as web servers and
other tasks that open and close many files would slow it down the most.
Maybe if only the root and important data partitions were encrypted, it
wouldn't be so important.

What is a reasonable CPU speed for this kind of thing?  My little, weak
Cyrix 166+ was relatively fast w/ RC5, but anything using floating points
is way too slow on it. 

Of course anyone can also just delete the whole partition and destory
everything..  but usually isn't as useful.  Is this possible on platforms
other than i386? 


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