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linux behaving badly (was Re: ownership and permissions)

> On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> > David Stern hat gesagt: // David Stern wrote:
> > 
> > > Speaking of su, I have a root window (rxvt -e su --) in a user X-window 
> > > session, and I seem to not be able to run X apps from the root window 
> > > due to the DISPLAY env variable, but it is identical to user's (0:0), 
> > > and running xhost complains about an invalid magic cookie, unable to 
> > > open display.  What do I need to do to get X apps to run from a root 
> > > window in a user's X-window session?
> > 
> > DON'T USE  "xhost +"!
> With the above warning about xhost, (that is, not using 'xhost +' but
> rather 'xhost +localhost' (I have been told it's better to use xauth, but
> don't understand that).  In any case, the reason you're getting errors
> when you try xhost is that xhost is an X command, and if root can't run X
> clients, it can't run xhost.  So, the solution is either to run 
> 'xhost +localhost' from an xterm as your regular user, or to (as root) do:
> cp ~username/.Xauthority ~root
> (where username is the username of your regular user)

I was trying out xhost ( +localhost), ssh, .. when something bad happened. I noticed my cpu load meter was high, but I didn't notice any renegade apps at first using top or ps -aux, then I noticed that I couldn't login as root (because it would hang at the login), and then I noticed that when I ran startx, my cpu load increased sequentially higher each time by about .25 .  After my load was over 2.1 (I know..), I tried to do a three finger salute because I couldn't kill any processes without root access and I couldn't fire up ppp to ask for help, but even the three finger salute did nothing. <doh!>

A couple things which may either have contributed/caused, or be indicative of what went wrong are that I'd installed ssh and changed my .steprc to run "rxvt -e ssh -l root localhost".  Also, the first line of top and the three zombies:
 11:16pm  up  7:08h,  4 users,  load average: 2.44, 2.24, 1.68
50 processes: 45 sleeping, 2 running, 3 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  7.2% user,  4.7% system,  0.0% nice, 88.2% idle
Mem:   63232K av,  53456K used,   9776K free,  23552K shrd,   8292K buff
Swap:  32092K av,      0K used,  32092K free             27992K cached

root 15931 5.9  11.3  0   13196 7192 1556 ?  R     0:11 X :0 -auth /home/user/ .Xauthority
root 15291 0.0  0.0   0   0     0    0    ?  Z      0:00 request-route <zombie>
root 15292 0.0  0.0   0   0     0    0    ?  Z      0:00 request-route <zombie>
root 15861 0.0  0.0   0   0     0    0    ?  Z      0:01 wish4.2 <zombie>
Oddly, even with a cpu load over 2.2, there was NO noticeable degredation of performance when executing netscape or other gui X-apps.  The only things I could not do was login as root, or perform a three finger salute.  I have a P133, kernel 2.0.30 (recent debian 1.31 cd install), 64MB ECC ram, uw-scsi..

Before my world turned upside down, I was able to successfully run X apps from rxvts and xterms using xhost, ssh, and was looking into xauth and .Xauthority.  I may have ran something like "xauth" in an rxvt, which seems innocuous, but I'm not sure now.  What was the danger alluded to in the warning above: "DON'T..", and what is the likely cause of this bad behavior?

David Stern

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