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Roxen packaged (web server)


Good morning folks,

  I've now finished the first Debian package of Roxen Challenger 1.1.
  Roxen was formerly known as Spinner which itself was called Spider
  before.  This is the most recent version, 1.2 is prepared for
  release but has some problems concerning the export of it's
  cryptography routines (seee http://roxen.com/ for information.

  Roxen Challenger is the most powerful webserver that I know of.  It
  is highly configurable via an integrated web-interface.  Roxen is
  multithreaded and modularized.

  It's written in Pike - formerly uLPC, an interpreted language that
  was designed to server MUDs.  The Roxen server is still interpreted
  at runtime but still very fast.

  It supports all features a modern webserver needs such as virtual
  servers both on different IP addresses as well as on different
  ports.  Its modules contain user database, authorization, user
  filesystem, redirection &c.

  I'd like some people try out that package and tell me what I've been
  missing and what I could do any better - and HOW.

  There is one thing that could be done better.  Roxen is the only
  webserver that comes as a Debian package but does not server port 80
  by default.  You *have* to configure it by hand - i.e. by your
  favourite browser.

  Please find the files on ftp://ftp.infodrom.north.de/pub/people/joey/debian

  3e035d9430e5fc3754c41ec50ce94633  roxen_1.1-0.1.diff.gz
  92fa315860437836b294f9cec245e61e  roxen_1.1-0.1.dsc
  db50bfe932804ca593fc4f5667d33d47  roxen_1.1-0.1_i386.deb
  60a1f721d21e7626854f9eb3fcfd522a  roxen_1.1.orig.tar.gz

  The binary package is compiled for libc5.  If you need libc6 please
  fetch the source and re-compile it.  Please let me know if you have
  had any difficulties.

  Enjoy your weekend,


Version: 2.6.2i


  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                 Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only /
/          proved it correct, not tried it.  -- Donald E. Knuth /

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