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Re: rvplayer installer

On 17-Nov-97 Steve Kostecke wrote:
>In article
>       nielsen@primenet.com (Bob Nielsen) writes:
>> Is there any way to get it to work as a plugin for Netscape, short of
>> upgrading to hamm?  I understand the problem is really with bash-2.0
>> in bo.  Would downgrading to the rex version of bash work without

I'd like to try this too, where do you get rvplayer5.x in the first place.
It doesn't seem to beDebian package.

Also, I've put an index.html file on the homepage space on my ISPs NT (ugh)
machine. It includes a line:

<IMG SRC="vi.gif">

and vi.gif is in the same disk area as index.html, but the image doesn't
appear (though the rest of the .html file does) when I open it with netscape
4.0. Can anyone provide a clue. TIA

BTW, if I leave netscape running overnight, it will lock my X session. Booo!

You can look at my home page skeleton at

>I'm using RealPlayer 5.0 with bo.  It does work.  You just need to add
>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path.to/rvplayer5.x
>to your /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape script.  You also need to make sure
>that rvplayer is on your search path.  I make a symbolic link from
>/usr/bin/raplayer to my rvplayer binary.
>                                       _ _                  
>Steve Kostecke                        | (_)_ __  _   ___  __
>steve@kostecke.net                    | | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /
>http://www.mindspring.com/~stk3       | | | | | | |_| |>  < 
>....the choice of a GNU generation     |_|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\
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