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RE: Linux for Amiga

Torsten wrote:
> Hello,
> here are Torsten from Hamburg, Germany. I have Interest on a Linux
> Package for the Amiga 1200.
> Can vou help me?
> Thanks
> Torsten

First, there is a "debian-68k@debian.org" list.  It is not currently 
intended to be a "real users list" such as this one.  Debian Amiga Linux 
is still in development (though like the present development i386 
version, it runs pretty good).

At the moment, installing Debian Amiga Linux is a _very_ difficult 
process as the Debian Amiga installation files do not appear to exist 
yet (the Atari ones showed up in the archives a few days ago).

One way to install that works (or at least did for me (three time so 
far), is to get the needed files from:
and follow the instructions (there are a couple of minor errors in the 
instructions -- for instance, there is no "system.map" file to unzip as 
called for in the shell script "DoUnGZip" (the files are instead located 
in the vmlinux archive file).

This installation gives you a Debian 1.3 installation.  Personally, I 
strongly suggest that you only install the minimum installation when 
dselect is first run.  Then upgrade from libc5 to libc6 EXACTLY as 
specified in Scott Ellis' mini-HOWTO using dpkg (NOT dselect).

The upgrade every package that has a "list" file in /var/lib/dpkg/info 
by hand using dpkg (except that you can skip the ones already done using 
Scott's instructions).  You will find that you will have to install a 
couple of packages that were not already on your system (dkpg with point 
these out to you as dependency requirements)

Once you have completed these steps you should have an operational 
Debian M68K Linux system that you can upgrade and add packages using 
dselect or dpkg.

It appears to me that the two distributions (m68k and i386) are 
functionally identical once the "first time" installation is complete 
with the exception that (at the moment) there is no lilo for Amiga and 
the files necessary for booting (including the kernel image) must be 
located on an Amiga partition (very similar to a PC loadline boot).

Also, the Amiga hard disks are _very_ different from PC hard disks but 
fdisk/cfdisk appear to the user to function is exactly the same manner 
as the PC version.  Note however, that for some reason the "classic" 
partition type identifier numbers on the Amiga version are new NOT the 
same as used on the PC version (whichmight confuse a PC type if you were 
asking for help -- ie:  there are Linux native and Linux Swap but they 
are NOT type 82 and 83).  There are no limitation as to which disks or 
partitions can be booted (for the Amiga).  There is no such thing as 
"primary", "extended", and "logical" partitions on the Amiga.
There _might_ be a limit to the maximum size of a single partition 
(somewhere around 4 GB I think) but I am not if even that applies to 
Linux or not.  In general, every partition can be bootable regardless of 
location on the drive or which drive the partition is located on.


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