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OK -- I'm ready to properly configure smail on my single user dynamic 
ip system.

   Who knows where the best FAQ for that is?  Big thing is, I need to 
manage mail accounts from several different addresses. (gvl@141.com, 
gvl@telescan.com, gvl@lcc.net).  I'll probably use procmail to 
separate them after I pull them in.

   I need all OUTGOING mail to say "gvl@141.com"

   My systems current name is force-1.  Naturally, that name means 
nothing when I log on as my ISP assigns a name to whatever port I 
connect to.  

  If I can find a sucker -- errr -- nice person to host for me, would 
it be possible for me to set up a MX on someone's system such as 
force-1.xxx.com and have mail addressed to gvl@force-1.xxx.com be 
held on the host system until it is somehow recognized that I am 
online so SMTP delivery to smail can occur?

Many questions -- enough for now.

Gerald V. Livingston II

'69 Sedan -- no name yet -- owned  2 years
                            driven 2 months


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