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Re: dmsdosfs

-----Original Message-----
From: Luka Pravica <l.pravica@student.murdoch.edu.au>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 1997 11:22 PM
Subject: dmsdosfs

>I tried to use dmsdosfs- to access doublespace 3 compressed drive
>my widows partition. I followed all instructions, recompiled kernel...
>But when I try add module to the kernel with insmod dmsdos, I get
>following error messages:
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_read_super
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_rename
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_unlink
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_put_super
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_rmdir
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_create
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_lookup
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_read_inode
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_mkdir
>/lib/modules/2.0.30/fs/dmsdos.o: unresolved symbol msdos_unlink_umsdos
>During compilation of kernel, there were few warnings about dmsdosfs,
>but no errors. I use kernel 2.0.30.
>Does anybody knows what I have done wrong?
>Thanks for any help

Compile support for MSDOS fs.  And be sure to "insmod msdosfs(sp?)" after

I have noticed that not all modules that require MSDOS properly contain
MSDOS dependency information.

Adam Heath
http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3375265  -- Page me

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