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Re: lock a pentium for fun!

David Puryear <dayear@codenet.net> writes:

> No. From what I have read so far, P-Pro and PII is not effected, just
> Pentium(and MMX). It will be interesting to see how Intel handles this bug.

They only give a warranty that their chips are free from material
defects, not logic or microcode errors, so they could just tell you to
go away.  (In the US anyway; in New Zealand the retailer is liable for
consequential damages if an individual has problems.)

> Question: Can this code be placed in a Java/ActiveX program? Just wondering if
> I should disable them.

I don't think Java will be vulnerable unless the security system has a
large hole.  Any ActiveX program could do this, but you'd know who
wrote it.  If that ActiveX program has a buffer overflow, it might not
be completely the author's fault.  (Would you notice, under Win95?)

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

	       Neniu anticipas la hispanan Inkvizicion.

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