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Re[2]: modem problems

Actually, it's worse than just what follows the "CONNECT".  If the line
quality goes down, most modems will drop speed accordingly.  That would
mean an change in speed at the tty "on the fly".  That is rather hard to


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Subject: Re: modem problems
Author:  c.evans@clear.net.nz at ~AMSCCSSW
Date:    10/26/97 9:13 PM

Andrew J Tarr <ajt60@cantua.canterbury.ac.nz> writes:

> No, it wasn't. Yes, it fixed it, thanks a lot. I don't suppose anyone
> wants to explain why it needs fixed serial speed?

Because there is very little Linux software that adjusts the TTY speed
according to what follows the "CONNECT".  I suspect that it might be
possible to convince mgetty to do it, but minicom and pppd won't.
Also, a 14.4K connection can sometimes get more data - I got 3K/s
downloading some Postscript files.

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

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