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Re: Linux

On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Mike or Trish Oberholzer wrote:

> Thankyou both for the excellent response. I am looking forward to
You're quite welcome.
> downloading or ordering Debian. 
I'd recommend the CD (you can generally get it for around $10 US) just
because downloading all those packages can be a pain when you're trying to
get started.

> Did I read the webpage correctly, it stated
> something to the effect of ...'you may load and run Debian on the same hard
> drive that you have WIN95 on' ? 
Sure.  I do it.  There's a program that will let you choose between them
at boot time.  You might have to resize your harddrive partitions,  as
most people who only use Win95 only have one partition -- this can be done
with a few utilities that are around.

>Also, what does the acronym Debian stand for? 
Debra and Ian -- the two people who started the distribution.


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