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Redhat -> Debian PCI problems

I was recently asked to take over the sys admin of a linux server box. I
immediately installed Debian 1.3.1 from the net instead of running the
recently installed Redhat system. My idea was that since I use and like
Debian it should be a piece-of-cake to get everything working. Well I was
wrong - I cannot telnet outside etc. It seems the problem has to do with
the PCI system. The network card is DEC 21000 (something) and I am using
the tulip drivers. 

Now my question is - does it mean that Debian pci drivers are older that
those in Redhat? Why would Redhat work and not Debian? Is the differences
that deep? I always thougth the differences were minor.

Daniel J. Mashao -- 
   daniel@comgate.ee.uct.ac.za             http://www.ee.uct.ac.za/~daniel

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