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bo-updates & other updates

hi everybody,

I really don't understand ftp.debian.org directory structure;
is there a document explaining every bit of it?

it fisrt happened with samba-1.9.17p2; I read in the newsgroups that it
was available (and it was important!) but couldn't install it with
dselect: dselect still showed 1.9.16p11 as the current release; so I:
- uninstalled my current 1.9.16p11 with dselect;
- downloaded 1.9.17p2 using ftp;
- installed 1.9.17p2 with 'dpkg -i <filename>'
is (was) there a more well-behaved way to do it?

now I want to install mutt-0.58.0; I've received a message stating that
mutt-0.58.0-i386.deb is available but I can't find it (let alone install
it (let alone install it with dselect))!!

I also would like to keep my installation up-to-date with whatever is in
'bo-updates'; is there a way to do it with dselect?

btw: dselect is GREAT!!! congratulations, Debian guys!


Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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