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dselect and non-standard package directories


on my Debian 1.3.1 CD there are not only the standard Debian
directories (stable, contrib, non-free, local), but also some
other ones, like non-us, experimental, ...

Is there a way to tell dselect to search through those dirs also?
Or is there a manual way to feed "alien" package files to dselect?

Thanks a lot in advance,
 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
 E-Mail: spiegl@Appl-Math.TU-Muenchen.de OR: Andy.Spiegl@WriteMe.com
 URL:    http://www.appl-math.tu-muenchen.de/~spiegl
 PGP fingerprint: B8 48 24 7B DB 96 6F 1C  D9 6D 8E 6C DB C2 E7 E9
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