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Any interest in SNMP web based network monitor?

	For the past couple of weeks I have been using a package called
MRTG.  Both the current release and the beta for the next release are
running nicely, showing html graphic display of SNMP data.  The package is
set up for monitoring network traffic but can be easily modified to monitor
other parameters.

	There are several things that are nice about this package.

1. The graphs are generated as gif files with a html that can be put right
onto your web server for easy access by anyone with a web browser.

2. There are no other data collectors necessary.  MRTG handles it all.

3. The log files don't grow,  The data is kept in daily, weekly, monthly
and yearly form with corresponding graphs.
	( Drawback is that an old time can't be looked at in detail.)

4. The only additional packages needed are libdg that I believe is in
unstable and the current pearl that stable is using.
	(I compiled libdg from it's origin and didn't find it until later
	in the Debian tree so I 'm not really sure about it.)

If there are folks that are interested I'd like to try and package it.
Never done that before but I think that it would be a nice addition to
Debian.  Several folks have told me that this would have come in handy for
different tasks.  When I set it up at work, some of the data that we got
was extremely interesting.


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