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Re: X font trouble

On Fri, 10 Oct 1997, I Brake for Moths wrote:

> I was beginning to suspect that the .gz might be the problem when I 
> discovered that 'mkfontdir' is actually NOT working.  It just returns 
> without complaint, but it does not write a fonts.dir file.  I believe 
> that this is because the .gz extension is preventing it from recognizing 
> the font files.  Easy enough to test, but I don't have access to my Linux 
> box right now . . .  As is, the xfnt*.deb installation produces a 
> fonts.dir that refers to the font files using the .gz extension.
> I am using XFree86.  Does anyone know whether XFree86 recently changed to 
> support gzipped font files, so that I might have an out-of-date version?

I believe support for gzipped fonts was new in either 3.3 of 3.2. Anyway,
all XFree86 packages you install should have at least the same upstream
version (3.2, 3.3, etc.). I assume you can use 3.3-X fonts on any 3.3-Y
version of the other XFree86 packages, but installing the exact same
version in always safe and should always work automatically.


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