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Parallel multi-destination deliver (possible with smail?)

     Ok, I should read _more_ docs, but I already spent sime time looking
for this. 

     Delivery of my previous posting took a lifetime, most with the modem
leds off. Isn't it possible to tell smail (or any other substitute for it) 
to start contacting "simultaneously" ALL of the e-mail addresses in the
TO: and CC: fields of outgoing messages instead of doing them one after
the previous delivery is _completed_?
     Currently at the first address giving timeout problems [dns I
suppose] smail stops delivery, it doesn't go on trying with the following
addresses. Issuing things like 'runq m0xJl8X-000A8aC' results in things
like this line in /var/log/smail/logfile (and ps -ax says no sendmail is

10/10/1997 18:08:28: open_spool: /var/spool/smail/input/0xJl8X-000A8aC:
lock_fd() failed: Try again


     Nicola Bernardelli <nbern@mail.protos.it>
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