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Network frustration

Ok, to start with, my network was working beautifully until this afternoon. 
Then, without (explainable) reason, two of the computers on the network had
their network cards die. One was on the fileserver.

I replaced the cards, and now all of the machines can ping each other again...
however, nothing else is working like it used to. 

When a win95 station tries to connect to it, it gets a "Network is busy" error
(Samba is running on the server). (as a sidenote: smbclient -l "server" gives
the correct response)

When trying to connect to the server via telnet, it takes a horrendous time 
(in the order of minutes) between where it says "Escape character is '^]'" and
"Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 shadowglen.ml.org"

The fileserver is also acting as a router to the rest of the internet, and I
can't connect to anything outside the net either (two ethernet cards, one for
external net, one for internal)

I know this is somewhat vague, but I'm not even sure where to begin. I'm 
guessing (randomly, really) that the internal network is getting flooded 
with packets from somewhere, but I haven't started running anything unusual.

I know my information is a bit vague, but I really don't even know where to
begin. All help would be appreciated.


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