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where's dlfnc.h?


I just went on to compile the newest greatest etc version of PostgreSQL 
(6.2), and the compile failed because dlfnc.h can't be found. This file 
is supposed to be in ldso.... At least it was in ldso_1.8.8-1.deb. I 
recently installed ldso-1.9.6-2, because I also want libc6, and there it 
is missing.

Also, I noticed that all section 3 manpages for libdl are missing from 
that version.... I'll try to use the dlfnc.h from 1.8.8-2, but I have a 
feeling this is not gonna work.....


|     Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL    |
|           Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section             |
|                          M.Boekhold@et.tudelft.nl                         |

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