Re: losing keys in fvwm2
I have found that, whenever I exit Netscape (3.01 in my case), I cannot
alt-arrow to shift virtual screens. However, if I user the page and
click into another virtual screen, the alt-arrow keys will again work.
I have not tried other fvwm2 keystrokes and I am sure that I only see
this happen when exiting Netscape.
On 29-Sep-97 Will Lowe wrote:
>On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, Rick Hawkins wrote:
>> At times, the keystrokes for fvwm2 simply stop working. Particularly,
>> alt-arrow to shift virtual screens, alt-f9 (to icocnify) and the like, and
>> alt-click combinations to move windows forward/back.
>Slap me if you've tried this, but turning numlock on in X does all sorts
>of funky things to alt and function keys. I often find (particularly
>using forms in netscape) that I turn on numlock, and then spend half an
>hour trying to figure out why my keyboard doesn't work anymore ... turn
>off numlock and it goes away.
> Will
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