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Setting the time and xntp

I am currently using a machine that has Win95 on the first harddisk and
debian unstable on a second harddisk and I am having trouble getting the
time to change from GMT. The cmos clock is set to the Eastern time zone
and as this is not my machine I don't feel right asking to have the cmos
clock set to GMT. The problem is that I have always run xntp on my own
debian machine and have been doing that here as well. Until recently this
worked fine, but after the last upgrade, the system clock under debian
always displays GMT. I have not changed /etc/timezone (US/Eastern) and
within /etc/init.d/boot, GMT="". It seems to me that /etc/init.d/boot sets
the clock correctly, but when xntp's netdate is run, it sets it to GMT. I
dug through the html docs for xntp3 but couldn't find anything. Any

Colin Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
School of Policy Studies Building, Room 309, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6 (613)545-6000x4219   

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