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installing twin and other questions

I know someone asked about this recently.  Sorry for not paying more
attention.  I got twin from the caldera archive.  It does not seem to have
compiled correctly.  Can anyone tell me how they got it up and running?  I
am trying to install it to /twin because I have a lot of room on /.  I
know that it is hard to tell what the problem I am having is. Is it
appropriate to attach a script file of the compile?  If it is I can do
 I try to do almost everything except administration as user.  I only
proform administration such as installing all debian stuff as root.  Is it
safe to install/compile non-debian programs as root.  I tried to install
twin as both and neither worked well.  Why is it that certain programs do
not execute as root even though x permission is set. (xboard for example)
I am not advocating playing chess as root I would just like to understand
the mechanics involved. 
 And lastly, like most all of you I love poking around my system.  I have
no objection to having to fiddle around a little in order to make things
work. In fact I love it.  This is one of the charms of linux and something
will be lost when or if it becomes a fully polished product.  However
having said that, it really annoys me when I cannot try an application
deselect says I have installed because I cannot figure out what the name
of the executable is. Many new linux users are not coming with strong unix
backrounds. And may in fact know little or nothing about the program
they are trying out or learning.  Please keep this in mind. At least let
us know how to start the application.  Anyway dselect says visual-tcl is
installed, but where is it?
 Thank you for any help with these questions, and for all the previous
help you all have given me.


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