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netscape4_4.0-5.deb install probs


I tried installing communicator 4.03 using netscape4_4.0-4.deb, and got 
the following output:

Installing Communicator files...

Installing Communicator Java files...
./ns-install: line 278:  2389 Broken pipe             tar -cf - ${i}
      2390 Done                    | ( cd ${TARGET}/java/classes; tar -xf 
- )
./ns-install: line 278:  2397 Broken pipe             tar -cf - ${i}
      2398 Done                    | ( cd ${TARGET}/java/classes; tar -xf 
- )

Installing additional component files...
./ns-install: line 305:  2408 Broken pipe             ${GZIP} -dc ${pkg}
      2409 Done                    | ( cd ${TARGET}; tar -x${v}f - )

Registering Communicator 4.03...

Now it seems like java doesn't work properly (which doesn't sound too 
surprising). Netscape gives the following error when trying to execute an 

Unable to start a java applet: Can't find 'java40.jar' in your
CLASSPATH. Read the release notes and install 'java40.jar'
properly before restarting.

Current value of CLASSPATH:
/usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins:/usrs/bin/X11/plugins: \

How can I get communicator to look at the proper place 


|     Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL    |
|           Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section             |
|                          M.Boekhold@et.tudelft.nl                         |

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