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Re: LaTeX, docstrip, ntg brief.dtx

joost witteveen writes:

> Does anybody know how I should create a "brief.cls" from a "brief.dtx"
> with the debian teTeX packages?

Get the contents of the whole ntgclass directory from a CTAN site.
Unpack it, say in /tmp/ntgclass, then cd to that directory.  Then
	latex ntgclass.ins
will generate the .cls and .clo files.  Copy the .cls and .clo files
to the correct directory in the texmf tree and run texhash.

> So, I've tried, in a directory that contains only brief.dtx,

> $latex docstrip

Using docstrip directly on a .dtx file won't work for many packages
these days, as the documentation system has changed considerably.

If you latex the .dtx file itself, you get a formatted and (hopefully)
commented source code listing.

Olaf Weber

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