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Re: Basic Debian hd mounting...

jd? <durajes@charlie.cns.iit.edu> writes:


> my question how would i go about mounting that filesystem so that i can
> access those files for installation purposes or transfer them to the '/'
> filesystem for access & how would i go about installing x???

Will answered some of this, but some more tips:

After creating /win95 (I actually use /mnt/win95) put something like
this in /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda1 /win95 vfat defaults 0 0

and you can mount it manually with `mount /win95', or it will get
automatically mounted with the next reboot.  If you're paranoid about
Linux touching your Win95 partition, make it "defaults,ro".

If it's not on /dev/hda1 and you don't remember where it is, run
`cfdisk /dev/hda' and have a look at the FS Type.  Then QUIT without
making any changes.

If you have the .debs and you want to look at dependencies, use `dpkg
--info xbase_3.3-3.deb', for example, to peek at the packages.

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

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