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  After my linux harddrive crashed and unrecoverable.  I've re-installed
  Debian 1.3.1 on a new harddrive.  I've managed to configure the
  new drive to have similar setup that I had in my previous drive.
  However,  the innxmit in the get-news script always failed.  I'd
  like to know if someone can help me repairing this problem.  My 'PPP'
  works, 'suck' works,  inn seems to work ok.  I do not remember what
  else I would have missed.

  Secondly,  the 'suck' seems to be a lot slower than my previous
  configuration.  I used to see it download news at 2300 - 2600 BPS.
  Now,  I'm in the 1200 - 1900 BPS range.

  Thirdly, I'd like to know exactly what is the PPP connection speed.
  I _did_ have the "REPORT CONNECT" in the chat script but it always
  return 38400.  My modem is 28.8.

  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

         --------------------  Timothy C. Phan (tphan@asl.dl.nec.com)
      --------------------                      NEC America, Inc. ASL
   --------------------         1525 Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX 75038
--------------------          tel: (214)-518-3437 fax: (214)-518-3499

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