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please read if trying to contact <klee@debian.org>

I'm sorry to post this message so widely, but I suspect that enough
people have been affected that the distribution is worthwhile.

For the past couple of months, one of the machines that I have been
using to process my outgoing E-mail has been silently discarding my
messages as spam due to a mailer misconfiguration.  Although the
problem appears to be fixed now, I estimate that up to a third of the
external E-mail I have sent in the past month has been silently lost.

If you have sent me any E-mail in the past two months and not received
a reply, please accept my apologies.  If you would be kind enough to
re-send your original message (or just a nudge referring to it), I'd
be happy to re-send my original reply, this time through a properly
configured mailer.

 - Klee

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Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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