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[DEBIAN] Hey! Problems with understanding Linux...

Could we have every  Debian list message's subject include the "[DEBIAN]" tag?

Hey everyone, this is my first ten minutes, and day, that I have been on this list:)

Well, I have a few questions/problems, so feel free to answer(or not) any you feel you could help solve.

1. I am having problems with my ppp dialer. I have it call through to my ISP's server, it makes the usual noises,
and then goes quit and disconnects. I think this is because of my ISP's need for me to use PAP 
authentication. God I hate that. Well, my question is how would I go by setting up PAP on my Debian system.
I have looked at every amount of info on the net I could find, and even printed alot of it. Nothing helped.
I also want the solution to be automatic, something I can put in the options file or ppp-chatscript file. (As 
compared with the command line way)

2. I have OS/2 installed on my system. It is the only OS I use right now, Debian is in the base install phase still.
The reason I do not have Debian installed yet, is because I am waiting 'till I get the official CDROM(plus a $5 
donation to the wonderful individuals programming for Debian.org, which I think is hardly enough- more like 
$10 for the distribution)

Well, the problem is with me mounting my HPFS drives. I can mount them perfectly, but then when I try to 
read the contents off of a directory in them, it tells me there is nothing in the directories.    
What is weird is that I can read all of the directories in the root of the partition(s).
I can even read one directorie's files and subdirectories! When I use cd on any other directory in the root,
and then type ls -a, it list nothing and tells me there are no files!

Could you help with this problem? I did the normal:   mount /dev/hda6 /drive -t hpfs   command. 

The other one? I don't understand why all computer users don't use Linux(pref. Debian) or OS/2 on their
x86 machines!

Is the Enlightenment Window Manager site down? Try out this URL: http://www.rasterman.com  
It is still listed as a domain name, but does not ever load! I heard that the main programmer was moving from 
Australia, but I don't think that he would have to change providers. Oh well, as long as he/everyone keeps up 
that great looking product!

Thank you for any help, and if you would like to chat about Debian/linux, just E-mail me!

THE OS2 Guide webmaster:


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