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Mail command


As I am on a university network I have no right to send mail on my
machine. So I haven't installed any mail software until now. However, I
have set up my web page with stuff for downloading and a form. I would
like to have the cgi script to send an internal mail to a user on my
machine , no mail messages will be leaving the machine. Thw script
requires the binary /usr/bin/mail , the standard mail program, or
equivalent,  which I
haven't been able to find. I have installed smail with no network and
pine. It works fine but if I can't get some form of non-interative mail
program I can't get the cgi script to work.

Anybody can tell me of the equivalent of /usr/bin/mail for Debian ??


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS    E-Mail: GK205@cus.cam.ac.uk
U.K.                  WWW: http://garfield.chu.cam.ac.uk/~gk205/work_info.html

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