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Installing on a low memory notebook


I'm trying to install debian gnu/linux 1.3.1 on a Packard Bell Statesman
with 4MB of RAM.

When I insert the debian rescue disk, it never loads the kernel, but only

Loading Boot failed: change disks and press any key

with a delay of only 4-5 seconds between Loading and Boot failed. I have
tried booting from a Slackware bootdisk (of unknown origin) with
root=/dev/fd0 option. Now when inserting the debian root disk (low memory
version, lmroot.bin), I can start the setup, but when I get to
installation of the OS kernel, it fails with an error about "./install.sh"
not available.

I have tried the same bootdisk on a stationary PC, and it works perfectly.

Any clues?
Jeppe Buk, student of computer science           Phone:   +45 6557 2347
IMADA, Odense University                         Email: buk@imada.ou.dk
Campusvej 55                          WWW: http://www.imada.ou.dk/~buk/
DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark       SMS (subject only): 20422557@sms.tdm.dk
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