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[off topic] Q on CVS

Sorry for the list abse, but I'm looking for some help with
CVS.  I need to find a way to impose changes from the
central repository on locally checked out modules.  Some
modules may have a few hundered files.  Sometimes these
files get modified locally in a "quick hack" during
production.  The issue being worked around will be fixed
properly and committed to the vault where it needs to be
distributed, etc.  The files in the repository are
authoritative and should replace the local files, rather
than merge with them.  Conflicts get even uglier as the
files in question are usually config files, or shell
scripts (I know I've preached about not using CVS for config
management on this list before, but I have no other options

I'm using the following command to achieve this with version

cvs -q update 2>&1|egrep "^C|^M"|cut -f2|xargs rm -f;cvs update

It would sure be nice to have a straight forward way of
doing that instead of this hack.  Is there a force option to
"checkout" or "update" in 1.9?  Does(will) 1.9 require
libc6?  Is there another way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance, and sorry again for the non-debian
specific question.



"Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace" -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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