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how does "mail" know what MTA to use?

Does the mail command have the MTA name hardwired into it? Or are there 
ways of telling it to use sendmail or smail, etc?
 Also, whats the simple explanatio of how to istall a package 
(something.deb) into a running system? I want to put on sendmail. Thanks.

*  Pat Masterson  B38-01,  Northrop Grumman,     *  Ham:KE2LJ 
*  Plant 1, South Oyster Bay Rd.,                *  Packet: KE2LJ@KC2FD.NY 
*  Bethpage, NY 11714                            *  President Grumman Amateur
*  email: bat@grumman.com   Fone: 516-346-6316   *  Radio Club  WA2LQO

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