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Re: Linux in Wired

( Re Message From: Tan Wee Yeh )
> Ted Harding wrote,
> :The first sentence I heartily support: when you need to get work done
> :you are likely to be forced into running an MS-Win application at some
> :stage and, if you can't run it on Linux, too bad.
> I would not agree fully with you.  I have been off MS-Win for
> more than 2 years now and do not see a need of going back to
> it.  The only time I needed to use it is when my University
> requires us to present the statistics in Excel and I almost
> puke using it.
> Maybe its becuase all my presentations to date are quite 
> technical and there is no need for flashy stuff.
> 	Just me,
> 	Wire ...

Well, so long as it's just you ... Good Luck!

My work is statistical consultancy. 95 per cent of the time I simply use
Linux -- the numerical, graphical, document-writing etc software are all
there. As far as "getting the work done" is concerned, Linux is mostly

However: what about clients who send you data on floppy in MS-Access
format, who send you documents, or who expect you to send them documents, in
Word format so that they can use them on their own machines etc? Excel

In real life, Tan-Wee, you can't escape it. I would be happier if you
could. But, as I say, if you can't run it on Linux then too bad, since you
have to run it somehow.

That sentence: "Microsoft's huge installed base of users and wide range of
applications is unlikely to be surpassed, despite what believers in the
Linux magic might hope" is depressingly accurate.  There's an awful lot of
people out there using a wide range of MS software, and if your living
depends on dealing with them then you have to come to terms with it.

I'm looking forward to WordPerfect-7 for Linux (just out: see
http://www.sdcorp.com) which should alleviate some of the problems.

Best wishes,
Ted.                                    (Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk)

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