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Re: I2O article

>i2o seems to be not so much of a threat any longer.
>Sometime after I first started talking with the press about i2o,
>someone pointed out that the i2o group had left their standard document
>(about 500 pages) on their anonymous FTP server. Wired News published
>the URL, and thousands of people downloaded copies of the i2o standard
>before the i2o group removed it from the server.
>As far as I can tell, they have blown any non-disclosure case they ever
>might have had. Unless they make _tremendous_ changes in their standard,
>we now know all of what we need to know to write device drivers for it.


Wonder how many of them said  "DOH" and slapped their forehead in a most
Homer-like fashion?


Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
Kevin@Baan-BBS.CA  (604) 882-8169

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