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[Q] libdb.so.1, runq, and setup signature

I recently had to reinstall Debian (had done something I later found out I
shouldn't have done). With the new installation using stable non-free and
contrib but my previous kernel image (saved some of the most important
stuff) every time I try to do a man command i get the following:
    man: can't open cache '/etc/ld.so.cache'
    man: can't load library 'libdb.so.1'
and during bootup (I use Lilo since I have win95 on my machine still) I get:
   no setup signature found....
also I've been getting messages from cron about runq and 'unable to run
/bin/sh permission denied'

any help would be appreciated

G'razel the shifty kitty
found on Tapestries FurryMUCK FluffMUCK Furcadia

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