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Re: Anarchy! Yes, Anarchy!

On Thu, 21 Aug 1997, Mike Schmitz wrote:

> myself in alignment with David Cinege and Paul Wade. I do not think that 
> _any_ decision should be made on business, marketing, or political reasons,
> Whatever the cost, ONLY quality of the code and distribution should be 
> considered. I believe that only harm can come from asking any government's 
> sanction of the project, and money can only corrupt it. I apologize if my 
> opinion is not shared by the majority, but it is mine, and all are free to
> disagree.

Oh, horsehockey.  Bandwidth does not grow on trees.  Neither do systems.
It is impossible to plant a seed and grow a system, it takes money.  If
you can show that you are a non-profit organization, it provides incentive
for people to assist your project IF they find it worthy of their support.
A financial break for a community to help itself is not a bad idea.  I
suspect you are more than a little paranoid.  Anarchy only works when all
parties think exactly alike which is oxymoronic to the term. 

Sure, you can DREAM that such a system can flourish without money but if
it becomes large enough (which Debian has), it starts to require real
resources that only money can buy.  Sure, you might be able to get the
telephone company to donate a T1 ... if they can deduct it.

George Bonser 
Debian/GNU Linux  See http://www.debian.org
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