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Callback in mgetty

Has anyone tried this out? I've obviously missed something.

I use minicom on machine A to call B, then the modem hangs up, and B
starts to callback A, just as it should.

My question is what program should I run on A to be able to login to B?
If I stay in minicom, it sees the RING RING but mgetty can't answer it
because it was locked out by minicom. If I exit minicom, mgetty respawns
and answers the call, but minicom is now locked out of ttyS1.

Just to clarify, at the moment I'd like to get, say, minicom to talk to
ttyS1 so I can log in to the calling machine (B). In the future I'll
probably want to run PPP over the telephone call, though I haven't yet
thought through the implications (i.e. probably just how to shut it down).
David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
U.K.  email: d.wright@open.ac.uk  tel: +44 1908 653 739  fax: +44 1908 655 151

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