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Re: Debian Version Numbers - My rant on this

The way I see it is this. On ftp.debian.org there is a directory called
"bo-updates" in there are all of the updates, with the changes info, that
have happened since the last major release. Ok, so here is my point, since
any changes that are done are announced via the "debian-changes" list why
do we even bother with revision numbers. It would seem easy enough to me
that to make everyone happy we could put up a page that says "Look here is
what was changed, if you want it get it, if not bugger off" then we could
forget about all this revision worry and the retailers would be happy
because they would have a product that was going to last a few months. As
for the cd the version on the disk is 1.3 the X.X.1 and X.X.2 are for the
disk number ( ie. Debian 1.3 disk 1 and Debian 1.3 disk 2)

That is just my two cents.

	"How do you know you're having fun       
	 if there's no one watching you have it."
					Douglas Adams
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