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rl_get_string_value_hook in bash 2.01-1 (unstable) question


I nearly crashed my system today when, after a successfull upgrade to
libc6 (according to the mini-HOWTO described in Debian-user)
I upgraded from bash 2.01-0.1 to bash 2.01-1.

I made the mistake of using dpkg-ftp; should maybe have done this one
by hand.

I do not wish to report this as a bug; after all, I know the meaning
of the word "unstable".  But can someone explain what I did wrong?

This is the story:

The install failed because all scripts returned with the error:
/bin/bash: error in loading shared libraries
: undefined symbol: rl_get_string_value_hook

after which all scripts returned:
subprocess <insert one of prerm, postinst etc.> script returned 
error exit status 127

after which I couldn't open new shells (login worked, but bash failed)
etc.. you can imagine the situation!

I could rescue it by:
0) NOT logging out of the one shell that still worked (i.e. was the instance
of bash from which I was installing in the first place)
1) manually (ar, tar) unpacking my old bash 2.01-0.1 file /bin/bash,
2) copying that to /bin/bash,
3) (luckily I still had this) dpkg --force-downgrade -i bash-2.01-0.1.deb

I have:
i486, mainly Debian 1.3
removed all libc5-dependent libX-dev packages
upgraded (in order, worked like a charm.. more or less.. at least AFTERwards)

(system worked fine)

no altgcc, altdev.
new gcc, libc6-dev, binutils

(system worked fine)

installation of bash_2.01-1 failed.

My question is:
In which library does rl_get_string_value_hook() reside?
What does it do?

Thank you for listening to all this rambling,

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