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Re: [Install] from sbpcd

To make the SoundBlaster CD work:

Write the Drivers floppy (drv1440.bin or drv1200.bin in the disk-i386
directory). Select "Install Device Drivers" and have it read the
floppy. Select "Configure Device Drivers" and use the device driver
menu to install the "sbpcd" device.  The options should be
"sbpcd=0xXXX,Y", where XXX is the CSR address in hex, and Y indicates
the type of drive: 0 for lasermate, 1 for soundblaster, 2 for
soundscape, and 3 for teac.

I am sending you all 1000+ lines of the driver readme separately.

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Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   510-215-3502

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