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[Install] from sbpcd

	My friend is installing debian 1.3 from his sound blaster cdrom+,
and apparently the kernel on the resc1440.bin that came with the cd does
not have support for this cdrom.  I know that later development kernels
have support for this type of cdrom.  However, I do not know if I can make a 
specific resc1440.bin for him that has this support, or is there an
alternate resc floppy that someone can point me to?

	We have come to a few other conclusions.  One is to install debian
over slackware because slackware recognizes his cdrom.  So easily we can
just install a minimal slackware system, and then mount his cdrom, cp the
stuff, and run dselect installing from the hd.  Secondly, we reasoned that
we could compile gcc on the shell provided with the installation, and then
apply a kernel patch and recompile.  This may possibly allow us to
recognize his cdrom?

Any other solutions to this problem are welcome if there are no specific
resc floppies that will help us.


|bash@thenet.net                                     |
|"Why existence? Why reality? Why Unix? You decide." |
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