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Re: Is this the Debian Philosophy? (or.... $#@!@#$ bash 2.0!)

From: "Jens B. Jorgensen" <jjorgens@bdsinc.com>
> I agree that we have to
> move on the the next distribution, but given the fact that 
> <speculation> *most* </speculation> debian 1.3.1 users use netscape
> and that <speculation> *most* </speculation> of those folks will want
> to use a plug-in, I think this bug merits an upgrade to 2.01 bash
> for 1.3.1? If a really .deb upgrade is not the answer, can we create
> a special upgrade on ftp.debian.org where I can upload a 2.01 bash
> that I've built for 1.3.1? 

If you can determine that an upgrade in bash fixes the problem, we will
get it in. Can you build bash and report back to us?

> In fact while I'm at it let me expand on this general point. Let me 
> say first that I marvel at the (apparent?) organization inherent in
> the debian development "system". Even though there are many maintainers
> everyone seems to be on the same page.

I'm as amazed as you are. We do talk about what we are doing a lot.
I think the only reason it really works is that we have some _extremely_
high quality people, who were attracted by Debian's policies.

> Who decides when a bug is important enough to be rolled back into an
> old distribution.

You have to tell us what you want first. Then our V.P. engineering makes
a list of priorities, and various people help him with that.

By the way, we are changing the point release naming scheme for marketing
reasons. The next update will probably be called "Debian 1.3.1 revision 1".
Once Debian 2.0 comes out we will go to one decimal point and a revision
number, so it would look like "Debian 2.0 revision 1". This only makes sense
to a marketing person, but please bear with it.



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