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Configuring exim

I replaced smail on my system with exim and I have a question or two:

After running eximconfig exim complains that the /etc/exim.conf has the
wrong owner/permissions.  chmod g-w resolves that.  Is it a bug?

How should I configure exim?  My internet address is
jhspies@alpha.futurenet.co.za.  The name of my computer is Johann.  What
should I answer to the question about the 'visible' name of my system?
Shall I configure it as a satelite system of my ISP?  In other words
should I put "Johann" there or "alpha.futurenet.co.za"?

When I used smail and tried the latter option (alpha.futurent.co.za), I
could not mail to anybody that uses the same ISP and had to change it to

Johann Spies. 

Johann Spies

Windsorlaan 19
Suid Afrika (South Africa)
Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310

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