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install problem: aic7xxx encountered spurious IRQ / aborting command due to timeout

hi everybody,

my name is Dieter and I'm having problems to install the debian Linux

My hardware:
- Mobo Shuttle HOT-419 (VLB with Opti chipset), AMD486/133, 32 MB RAM
- Adaptec AHA2842 (IRQ 11)
- ATI Graphics Turbo (Mach32 mit 2 MB VRAM)
- NE2000 compatiple card IRQ 15 IO 0x300
- IO card, 2x par (IRQ/IO as usual),
  4x ser (COM1-COM2 IRQ/IO as usual, 
          COM3 IRQ 10 IO as usual, COM4 IRQ 12 IO 0x2F0)

This hardware is successfully running Linux 1.2.13 (Slakware 2.3) since
2 years.

During the last 2 weeks I installed Caldera Open Linux Standard 1.1 and
Slakware 3.2
(both employ kernel 2.0.29) without any problems. That means: the
'all-purpose' boot
diskettes started Linux successfully.

Now I tried the debian distribution 1.2 (with kernel 2.0.27) I found on
my Infomagic
Linux Developer's Resource (6-CD-set inluding Slakware 3.2, RedHat 4.1).
I made the
RESCUE floppy with 'dd if=rsc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0H1440 bs=512' (tried it
with several diskettes and even with rsc1440r.bin) and got in every case
the following boot messages:

summary: aic7xxx detected and initialization messages
--> aic7xxx: encountered spurious interrupt

some other messages related to probing other hardware follows

--> scanning channel A for devices
--> aborting command due to timeout
--> pid 0, scsi 0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
--> test unit ready 00 00 00 00
--> kernel panic: scsi 0 BRKADRINT, error 0x1, seqaddr 0x0

I suspect, that the composition of the debian kernel is somewhat
different than those of
Caldera and Slakware, but I have no idea in what matter.

I hope, that some of the debian gurus can give me some help.

TIA and have a nice day.


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