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Informix on Linux (long) (fwd)

This popped up on the Caldera mailing list but is not distribution
specific and would also be of interest to people here.

George Bonser

Segmentation Fault                               just kidding :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 17:58:19 -0500
From: Rob Zook <rzook@informix.com>
Reply-To: caldera-users@caldera.com
To: caldera-users@caldera.com
Subject: Informix on Linux (long)

Hi all,

I just heard about the following, but given how fast news travels
on the net if any of you have heard of this already, my apologese
for the waste of bandwidth.

I know this subject crops up from time to time, as people want to 
know how to use iBCS to run Informix software. Well, I'm not going
to rehash that, beause at the recent Informix Users Conference, some 
really important first steps occured to try and make our management 
realize how badly Informix needs to port to Linux.

The International Informix User Group (IIUG) sponsored a questionare 
which asked for the most important features that our users wanted in
new releases of our products. When the results were tallied porting
our products to Linux ranked number *two*. This impressed the managers 
at Informix so much that they have opened up a dialog with the Linux 
community. This dialog is in the form of a mailing list run out of the 
IIUG site. 

I've included a introduction by the listmaster:
From: Tim Schaefer <tschaefe@mindspring.com>
Subject: Announce: Informix on Linux Mailing List
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 22:15:29 -0400
Reply-To: tschaefe@mindspring.com

The most important event of the year kicks off today: Informix on Linux
list serv.  Notice how these two products have an "X" in the name.  
They're destined to come together.  

The list-serv is a mailing list where you are part of an on-going email
discussion about getting Informix software ported to Linux.  Over time this
will mature into other threads, but for now it's all about getting 
the port done.

You can participate in this historic venture by subscribing to the
linux-informix list serv.  It's easy to do, and it's free.  To subscribe
to the list you simply put in the BODY of an email,

subscribe linux-informix

and email it to majordomo@iiug.org  .

The discussion kicks off on Monday, August 11, 1997, with an emphasis
on building a business case for Informix on Linux.  Your expert guidance
on how to present a business case is urgently needed to make this a 
success.  We're going to simply focus on how it can be profitable for 
Informix.  If you have a technical mind and want to contribute you are as
welcome as ever, but we need to focus first on the benefit to Informix
from a business perspective.  Over time we can talk about whatever you 
want, with technical issues, but let's get the port first, then talk
about the rest.  :-)

I am hoping to see Informix people as well as end users participate 
in a ground swell of innovation and gut wrenching discussion. ( Well ok 
that's a bit over the top, but roll with it. :-)  There is no moderator
per se, but an on-going thread that evolves like any other thread in
c.d.i.  I don't have list-serv experience, so this is new to me, and I
am an equal participant in this just like you.

Anyway, you don't need to contact me at all, just subscribe to the list.
Nothing happens till Monday, but you can begin subscribing today.  If you
know about business success stories that can add weight to the success
of Linux in business we're a leap ahead of the starting line.

My thanks to Walt and the gang at iiug.org for getting this going.  

Remember, when in doubt, post early, and post often...


Tim Schaefer              \\|//               
tschaefe@mindspring.com    6 6               
--------------------oOOo---( )---o00o---------

Since Caldera is one of the leading commercial promoters of Linux,
I think it important for they and their users to get involved. Our
sales people and management need convincing, and solid information
on how porting Informix products will make them money. 

This has always been the goal of course, but this is the first time
management and sales have show any interest in listening. So anyone
here who has information that can help, please sign up and contribute.

I would also appreciate it if, the couple of Caldera people on the list
would pass this on to the appropriate people at Caldera (if I'm not
talking to them already ;-)


Rob Zook
Americas Customer Support
Informix Software, Inc.

BTW, This does not constitute any official act by Informix, I just love
Linux and want to see this port happen.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-user-request@lists.debian.org . 
Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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